Coverage for ligo/followup_advocate/ 91%
397 statements
« prev ^ index » next v7.6.7, created at 2024-11-20 11:01 +0000
« prev ^ index » next v7.6.7, created at 2024-11-20 11:01 +0000
1import math as mth
2import os
3import shutil
4import tempfile
5import urllib
6import webbrowser
8import astropy.coordinates as coord
9import astropy.time
10import astropy.units as u
11import healpy as hp
12import lxml.etree
13import numpy as np
14from import getheader
15from ligo.gracedb import rest
16from import read_sky_map
17from ligo.skymap.postprocess.ellipse import find_ellipse
18from ligo.skymap.postprocess.crossmatch import crossmatch
20from .jinja import env
21import importlib.metadata
22__version__ = importlib.metadata.version(__name__)
25def authors(authors, service=rest.DEFAULT_SERVICE_URL):
26 """Write GCN Circular author list"""
27 return env.get_template('authors.jinja2').render(authors=authors).strip()
30def guess_skyloc_pipeline(filename):
31 keys = ['cWB', 'BAYESTAR', 'Bilby', 'LIB', 'LALInference',
32 'oLIB', 'MLy', 'UNKNOWN']
33 skyloc_pipelines_dict = dict(zip([x.lower() for x in keys], keys))
34 skyloc_pipelines_dict['rapidpe_rift'] = 'RapidPE-RIFT'
35 try:
36 return skyloc_pipelines_dict[filename.split('.')[0].lower()]
37 except KeyError:
38 return filename.split('.')[0]
41def text_width(remove_text_wrap):
42 """Return width of text wrap based on whether we wish to wrap the lines or
43 not."""
44 return 9999 if remove_text_wrap else 79
47def main_dict(gracedb_id, client):
48 """Create general dictionary to pass to compose circular"""
50 event = client.superevent(gracedb_id).json()
51 preferred_event = event['preferred_event_data']
52 preferred_pipeline = preferred_event['pipeline']
53 if preferred_pipeline.lower() == 'cwb' and \
54 preferred_event['search'].lower() == 'bbh':
55 preferred_pipeline = 'cwb_bbh'
56 early_warning_pipelines = []
57 pipelines = []
58 gw_events = event['gw_events']
59 early_warning_alert = False
61 for gw_event in gw_events:
62 gw_event_dict = client.event(gw_event).json()
63 pipeline = gw_event_dict['pipeline']
64 search = gw_event_dict['search']
65 if pipeline.lower() == 'cwb' and search.lower() == 'bbh':
66 pipeline = 'cwb_bbh'
67 if pipeline not in pipelines:
68 pipelines.append(pipeline)
69 if pipeline not in early_warning_pipelines and \
70 search == 'EarlyWarning':
71 early_warning_pipelines.append(pipeline)
72 # Sort to get alphabetical order
73 pipelines.sort(key=str.lower)
74 early_warning_pipelines.sort(key=str.lower)
76 voevents = client.voevents(gracedb_id).json()['voevents']
77 if not voevents:
78 raise ValueError(
79 "{} has no VOEvent to generate circulars from.".format(
80 gracedb_id))
82 citation_index = {pipeline.lower(): pipelines.index(pipeline) + 1 for
83 pipeline in pipelines}
84 for pipeline in early_warning_pipelines:
85 if pipeline.lower() != 'mbta':
86 citation_index[pipeline.lower() + '_earlywarning'] = \
87 max(citation_index.values()) + 1
89 gpstime = float(preferred_event['gpstime'])
90 event_time = astropy.time.Time(gpstime, format='gps').utc
92 # Grab latest p_astro and em_bright values from lastest VOEvent
93 voevent_text = client.files(gracedb_id, voevents[-1]['filename']).read()
94 root = lxml.etree.fromstring(voevent_text)
95 p_astros = root.find('./What/Group[@name="Classification"]')
96 em_brights = root.find('./What/Group[@name="Properties"]')
97 classifications = {}
98 source_classification = {}
99 # Only try to load if present to prevent errors with .getchildren()
100 p_astro_pipeline = None
101 if p_astros:
102 for p_astro in p_astros.getchildren():
103 if p_astro.attrib.get('value'):
104 classifications[p_astro.attrib['name']] = \
105 float(p_astro.attrib['value']) * 100
106 # Figure out which pipeline uploaded p_astro, usually the first one
107 # FIXME: Replace with more efficient method in the future
108 logs = client.logs(gracedb_id).json()['log']
109 for message in reversed(logs):
110 filename = message['filename']
111 if filename and '.p_astro.json' in filename and \
112 filename != 'p_astro.json':
113 p_astro = client.files(gracedb_id, filename).json()
114 if all(mth.isclose(p_astro[key] * 100, classifications[key])
115 for key in classifications.keys()):
116 p_astro_pipeline = filename.split('.')[0].lower()
117 break
118 if p_astro_pipeline == 'rapidpe_rift':
119 citation_index['rapidpe_rift'] = max(citation_index.values()) + 1
120 if em_brights:
121 for em_bright in em_brights.getchildren():
122 if em_bright.attrib.get('value'):
123 source_classification[em_bright.attrib['name']] = \
124 float(em_bright.attrib['value']) * 100
125 citation_index['em_bright'] = max(citation_index.values()) + 1
127 skymaps = {}
128 for voevent in voevents:
129 voevent_text = client.files(gracedb_id, voevent['filename']).read()
130 root = lxml.etree.fromstring(voevent_text)
131 alert_type = root.find(
132 './What/Param[@name="AlertType"]').attrib['value'].lower()
133 if alert_type == 'earlywarning':
134 # Add text for early warning detection if one early warning alert
135 early_warning_alert = True
136 url = root.find('./What/Group/Param[@name="skymap_fits"]')
137 if url is None:
138 continue
139 url = url.attrib['value']
140 _, filename = os.path.split(url)
141 skyloc_pipeline = guess_skyloc_pipeline(filename)
142 issued_time = astropy.time.Time(root.find('./Who/Date').text).gps
143 if filename not in skymaps:
144 skymaps[filename] = dict(
145 alert_type=alert_type,
146 pipeline=skyloc_pipeline,
147 filename=filename,
148 latency=issued_time-event_time.gps)
149 if skyloc_pipeline.lower() not in citation_index:
150 citation_index[skyloc_pipeline.lower()] = \
151 max(citation_index.values()) + 1
152 skymaps = list(skymaps.values())
154 o = urllib.parse.urlparse(client.service_url)
156 kwargs = dict(
157 subject='Identification',
158 gracedb_id=gracedb_id,
159 gracedb_service_url=urllib.parse.urlunsplit(
160 (o.scheme, o.netloc, '/superevents/', '', '')),
161 group=preferred_event['group'],
162 pipeline=preferred_pipeline,
163 all_pipelines=pipelines,
164 early_warning_alert=early_warning_alert,
165 early_warning_pipelines=early_warning_pipelines,
166 gpstime='{0:.03f}'.format(round(float(preferred_event['gpstime']), 3)),
167 search=preferred_event.get('search', ''),
168 far=preferred_event['far'],
169 utctime=event_time.iso,
170 instruments=preferred_event['instruments'].split(','),
171 skymaps=skymaps,
172 prob_has_ssm=source_classification.get('HasSSM'),
173 prob_has_ns=source_classification.get('HasNS'),
174 prob_has_remnant=source_classification.get('HasRemnant'),
175 prob_has_massgap=source_classification.get('HasMassGap'),
176 include_ellipse=None,
177 classifications=classifications,
178 p_astro_pipeline=p_astro_pipeline,
179 citation_index=citation_index)
181 if skymaps:
182 preferred_skymap = skymaps[-1]['filename']
183 cls = [50, 90]
184 include_ellipse, ra, dec, a, b, pa, area, greedy_area = \
185 uncertainty_ellipse(gracedb_id, preferred_skymap, client, cls=cls)
186 kwargs.update(
187 preferred_skymap=preferred_skymap,
188 cl=cls[-1],
189 include_ellipse=include_ellipse,
190 ra=coord.Longitude(ra*u.deg),
191 dec=coord.Latitude(dec*u.deg),
192 a=coord.Angle(a*u.deg),
193 b=coord.Angle(b*u.deg),
194 pa=coord.Angle(pa*u.deg),
195 ellipse_area=area,
196 greedy_area=greedy_area)
197 try:
198 distmu, distsig = get_distances_skymap_gracedb(gracedb_id,
199 preferred_skymap,
200 client)
201 kwargs.update(
202 distmu=distmu,
203 distsig=distsig)
204 except TypeError:
205 pass
207 return kwargs
210def compose(gracedb_id, authors=(), mailto=False, remove_text_wrap=False,
211 service=rest.DEFAULT_SERVICE_URL, client=None):
212 """Compose GCN Circular draft"""
214 if client is None:
215 client = rest.GraceDb(service)
217 kwargs = main_dict(gracedb_id, client=client)
218 kwargs.update(authors=authors)
219 kwargs.update(change_significance_statement=False)
220 kwargs.update(text_width=text_width(remove_text_wrap))
222 subject = env.get_template('subject.jinja2').render(**kwargs).strip()
223 body = env.get_template('initial_circular.jinja2').render(**kwargs).strip()
225 if mailto:
226 pattern = ',{0}&body={1}'
227 url = pattern.format(
228 urllib.parse.quote(subject),
229 urllib.parse.quote(body))
231 else:
232 return '{0}\n\n{1}'.format(subject, body)
235def compose_raven(gracedb_id, authors=(), remove_text_wrap=False,
236 service=rest.DEFAULT_SERVICE_URL, client=None):
237 """Compose EM_COINC RAVEN GCN Circular draft"""
239 if client is None:
240 client = rest.GraceDb(service)
242 kwargs = dict()
243 kwargs = _update_raven_parameters(gracedb_id, kwargs, client)
244 kwargs.update(main_dict(gracedb_id, client=client))
245 kwargs.update(update_alert=False)
246 kwargs.update(text_width=text_width(remove_text_wrap))
247 # Add RAVEN citation
248 citation_index = kwargs['citation_index']
249 citation_index['raven'] = max(citation_index.values()) + 1
250 kwargs['citation_index'] = citation_index
252 subject = (
253 env.get_template('RAVEN_subject.jinja2').render(**kwargs)
254 .strip())
255 body = (
256 env.get_template('RAVEN_circular.jinja2').render(**kwargs)
257 .strip())
258 return '{0}\n\n{1}'.format(subject, body)
261def compose_llama(
262 gracedb_id, authors=(), service=rest.DEFAULT_SERVICE_URL,
263 icecube_alert=None, remove_text_wrap=False,
264 client=None):
265 """Compose GRB LLAMA GCN Circular draft.
266 Here, gracedb_id will be a GRB superevent ID in GraceDb."""
268 if client is None:
269 client = rest.GraceDb(service)
271 superevent = client.superevent(gracedb_id).json()
273 gpstime = float(superevent['t_0'])
274 tl, th = gpstime - 500, gpstime + 500
275 event_time = astropy.time.Time(gpstime, format='gps').utc
276 tl_datetime = str(astropy.time.Time(
277 tl, format='gps').isot).replace('T', ' ')
278 th_datetime = str(astropy.time.Time(
279 th, format='gps').isot).replace('T', ' ')
281 o = urllib.parse.urlparse(client.service_url)
282 kwargs = dict(
283 gracedb_service_url=urllib.parse.urlunsplit(
284 (o.scheme, o.netloc, '/superevents/', '', '')),
285 gracedb_id=gracedb_id,
286 llama=True,
287 icecube_alert=icecube_alert,
288 event_time=event_time,
289 tl_datetime=tl_datetime,
290 th_datetime=th_datetime,
291 authors=authors)
292 kwargs.update(text_width=text_width(remove_text_wrap))
294 citation_index = {'llama': 1, 'llama_stat': 2}
295 kwargs.update(citation_index=citation_index)
297 files = client.files(gracedb_id).json()
299 llama_stat_filename = 'significance_subthreshold_lvc-i3.json'
300 if llama_stat_filename in files:
301 llama_stat_file = client.files(gracedb_id, llama_stat_filename).json()
302 llama_fap = llama_stat_file["p_value"]
303 neutrinos = llama_stat_file["inputs"]["neutrino_info"]
304 lines = []
305 for neutrino in neutrinos:
306 # Build aligned string
307 vals = []
308 dt = (event_time -
309 astropy.time.Time(neutrino['mjd'],
310 format='mjd')).to(u.s).value
311 vals.append('{:.2f}'.format(dt))
312 vals.append('{:.2f}'.format(neutrino['ra']))
313 vals.append('{:.2f}'.format(neutrino['dec']))
314 vals.append('{:.2f}'.format(neutrino['sigma']))
315 vals.append('{:.4f}'.format(llama_fap))
316 lines.append(align_number_string(vals, [0, 11, 21, 40, 59]))
318 kwargs.update(llama_fap=llama_fap,
319 neutrinos=lines)
321 subject = (
322 env.get_template('llama_subject.jinja2').render(**kwargs)
323 .strip())
324 if icecube_alert:
325 body = (
326 env.get_template('llama_alert_circular.jinja2').render(**kwargs)
327 .strip())
328 else:
329 body = (
330 env.get_template('llama_track_circular.jinja2').render(**kwargs)
331 .strip())
332 return '{0}\n\n{1}'.format(subject, body)
335def compose_grb_medium_latency(
336 gracedb_id, authors=(), service=rest.DEFAULT_SERVICE_URL,
337 use_detection_template=None, remove_text_wrap=False, client=None):
338 """Compose GRB Medium Latency GCN Circular draft.
339 Here, gracedb_id will be a GRB external trigger ID in GraceDb."""
341 if client is None:
342 client = rest.GraceDb(service)
344 event = client.event(gracedb_id).json()
345 search = event['search']
347 if search != 'GRB':
348 return
350 group = event['group']
351 pipeline = event['pipeline']
352 external_trigger = event['extra_attributes']['GRB']['trigger_id']
354 o = urllib.parse.urlparse(client.service_url)
355 kwargs = dict(
356 gracedb_service_url=urllib.parse.urlunsplit(
357 (o.scheme, o.netloc, '/events/', '', '')),
358 gracedb_id=gracedb_id,
359 group=group,
360 grb=True,
361 pipeline=pipeline,
362 external_trigger=external_trigger,
363 exclusions=[],
364 detections=[])
365 kwargs.update(text_width=text_width(remove_text_wrap))
367 files = client.files(gracedb_id).json()
369 citation_index = {}
370 index = 1
371 xpipeline_fap_file = 'false_alarm_probability_x.json'
372 if xpipeline_fap_file in files:
373 xpipeline_fap = client.files(gracedb_id, xpipeline_fap_file).json()
374 online_xpipeline_fap = xpipeline_fap.get('Online Xpipeline')
375 # Create detection/exclusion circular based on given argument
376 # Use default cutoff if not provided
377 xpipeline_detection = (use_detection_template if use_detection_template
378 is not None else online_xpipeline_fap < 0.001)
379 if xpipeline_detection:
380 kwargs['detections'].append('xpipeline')
381 kwargs.update(online_xpipeline_fap=online_xpipeline_fap)
382 else:
383 kwargs['exclusions'].append('xpipeline')
384 xpipeline_distances_file = 'distances_x.json'
385 xpipeline_distances = client.files(gracedb_id,
386 xpipeline_distances_file).json()
387 burst_exclusion = xpipeline_distances.get('Burst Exclusion')
388 kwargs.update(burst_exclusion=burst_exclusion)
389 citation_index['xpipeline'] = index
390 index += 1
392 pygrb_fap_file = 'false_alarm_probability_pygrb.json'
393 if pygrb_fap_file in files:
394 pygrb_fap = client.files(gracedb_id, pygrb_fap_file).json()
395 online_pygrb_fap = pygrb_fap.get('Online PyGRB')
396 # Create detection/exclusion circular based on given argument
397 # Use default cutoff if not provided
398 pygrb_detection = (use_detection_template if use_detection_template
399 is not None else online_pygrb_fap < 0.01)
400 if pygrb_detection:
401 kwargs['detections'].append('pygrb')
402 kwargs.update(online_pygrb_fap=online_pygrb_fap)
403 else:
404 kwargs['exclusions'].append('pygrb')
405 pygrb_distances_file = 'distances_pygrb.json'
406 pygrb_distances = client.files(gracedb_id,
407 pygrb_distances_file).json()
408 nsns_exclusion = pygrb_distances.get('NSNS Exclusion')
409 nsbh_exclusion = pygrb_distances.get('NSBH Exclusion')
410 kwargs.update(nsbh_exclusion=nsbh_exclusion,
411 nsns_exclusion=nsns_exclusion)
412 citation_index['pygrb'] = index
414 kwargs.update(citation_index=citation_index)
416 subject = (
417 env.get_template('medium_latency_grb_subject.jinja2').render(**kwargs)
418 .strip())
419 body = (
420 env.get_template('medium_latency_grb_circular.jinja2').render(**kwargs)
421 .strip())
422 return '{0}\n\n{1}'.format(subject, body)
425def compose_update(gracedb_id, authors=(),
426 service=rest.DEFAULT_SERVICE_URL,
427 update_types=['sky_localization', 'p_astro',
428 'em_bright', 'raven'],
429 remove_text_wrap=False,
430 client=None):
431 """Compose GCN update circular"""
432 if client is None:
433 client = rest.GraceDb(service)
435 kwargs = main_dict(gracedb_id, client=client)
436 kwargs.pop('citation_index', None)
437 kwargs.update(text_width=text_width(remove_text_wrap))
439 if isinstance(update_types, str):
440 update_types = update_types.split(',')
442 # Adjust files for update type alert
443 citation_index = {}
444 skymaps = []
445 index = 1
447 updated_skymap = kwargs.get('skymaps')[-1]
448 kwargs.update(updated_skymap=updated_skymap)
449 skymaps = [updated_skymap]
450 if 'sky_localization' in update_types:
451 citation_index[updated_skymap['pipeline'].lower()] = index
452 index += 1
453 if 'p_astro' in update_types and \
454 kwargs.get('p_astro_pipeline') == 'rapidpe_rift':
455 citation_index['rapidpe_rift'] = index
456 index += 1
457 if 'em_bright' in update_types:
458 # If not already cited, cite sky map pipeline for em_bright
459 if updated_skymap['pipeline'].lower() not in citation_index.keys():
460 citation_index[updated_skymap['pipeline'].lower()] = index
461 index += 1
462 citation_index['em_bright'] = index
463 index += 1
464 if 'raven' in update_types:
465 citation_index['raven'] = index
467 kwargs.update(skymaps=skymaps,
468 citation_index=citation_index,
469 all_pipelines=[],
470 update_alert=True)
472 if 'raven' in update_types:
473 kwargs = _update_raven_parameters(gracedb_id, kwargs, client)
475 kwargs.update(authors=authors)
476 kwargs.update(change_significance_statement=False)
477 kwargs.update(subject='Update')
478 kwargs.update(update_types=update_types)
480 subject = env.get_template('subject.jinja2').render(**kwargs).strip()
481 body = env.get_template(
482 'update_circular.jinja2').render(**kwargs).strip()
483 return '{0}\n\n{1}'.format(subject, body)
486def compose_retraction(gracedb_id, authors=(), remove_text_wrap=False,
487 service=rest.DEFAULT_SERVICE_URL, client=None):
488 """Compose GCN retraction circular"""
489 if client is None:
490 client = rest.GraceDb(service)
491 event = client.superevent(gracedb_id).json()
492 preferred_event = event['preferred_event_data']
493 labels = event['labels']
494 earlywarning = \
495 ('EARLY_WARNING' in labels and
496 {'EM_SelectedConfident', 'SIGNIF_LOCKED'}.isdisjoint(labels))
498 kwargs = dict(
499 subject='Retraction',
500 gracedb_id=gracedb_id,
501 group=preferred_event['group'],
502 earlywarning=earlywarning,
503 authors=authors
504 )
505 kwargs.update(text_width=text_width(remove_text_wrap))
507 subject = env.get_template('subject.jinja2').render(**kwargs).strip()
508 body = env.get_template('retraction.jinja2').render(**kwargs).strip()
509 return '{0}\n\n{1}'.format(subject, body)
512def read_map_gracedb(graceid, filename, client):
513 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b') as localfile:
514 remotefile = client.files(graceid, filename, raw=True)
515 shutil.copyfileobj(remotefile, localfile)
516 localfile.flush()
517 return read_sky_map(, moc=True)
520def get_distances_skymap_gracedb(graceid, filename, client):
521 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b') as localfile:
522 remotefile = client.files(graceid, filename, raw=True)
523 shutil.copyfileobj(remotefile, localfile)
524 localfile.flush()
525 header = getheader(, 1)
526 try:
527 return header['distmean'], header['diststd']
528 except KeyError:
529 pass
532def read_map_from_path(path, client):
533 return read_map_gracedb(*path.split('/'), client)[0]
536def align_number_string(nums, positions):
537 positions.append(len(nums[-1]))
538 gen = (val + ' ' * (positions[i+1]-positions[i]-len(val))
539 for i, val in enumerate(nums))
540 return ''.join(gen)
543def mask_cl(p, level=90):
544 pflat = p.ravel()
545 i = np.flipud(np.argsort(p))
546 cs = np.cumsum(pflat[i])
547 cls = np.empty_like(pflat)
548 cls[i] = cs
549 cls = cls.reshape(p.shape)
550 return cls <= 1e-2 * level
553def compare_skymaps(paths, service=rest.DEFAULT_SERVICE_URL, client=None):
554 """Produce table of sky map overlaps"""
555 if client is None:
556 client = rest.GraceDb(service)
557 filenames = [path.split('/')[1] for path in paths]
558 pipelines = [guess_skyloc_pipeline(filename) for filename in filenames]
559 probs = [read_map_from_path(path, client) for path in paths]
560 npix = max(len(prob) for prob in probs)
561 nside = hp.npix2nside(npix)
562 deg2perpix = hp.nside2pixarea(nside, degrees=True)
563 probs = [hp.ud_grade(prob, nside, power=-2) for prob in probs]
564 masks = [mask_cl(prob) for prob in probs]
565 areas = [mask.sum() * deg2perpix for mask in masks]
566 joint_areas = [(mask & masks[-1]).sum() * deg2perpix for mask in masks]
568 kwargs = dict(params=zip(filenames, pipelines, areas, joint_areas))
570 return env.get_template('compare_skymaps.jinja2').render(**kwargs)
573def uncertainty_ellipse(graceid, filename, client, cls=[50, 90],
574 ratio_ellipse_cl_areas=1.35):
575 """Compute uncertainty ellipses for a given sky map
577 Parameters
578 ----------
579 graceid: str
580 ID of the trigger used by GraceDB
581 filename: str
582 File name of sky map
583 client: class
584 REST API client for HTTP connection
585 cls: array-like
586 List of percentage of minimal credible area used to check whether the
587 areas are close to an ellipse, returning the values of the final item
588 ratio_ellipse_cl_areas: float
589 Ratio between ellipse area and minimal credible area from cl
590 """
591 if filename.endswith('.gz'):
592 # Try using the multi-res sky map if it exists
593 try:
594 new_filename = filename.replace('.fits.gz', '.multiorder.fits')
595 skymap = read_map_gracedb(graceid, new_filename, client)
596 except (IOError, rest.HTTPError):
597 skymap = read_map_gracedb(graceid, filename, client)
598 else:
599 skymap = read_map_gracedb(graceid, filename, client)
601 # Convert to an array if necessary
602 if np.isscalar(cls):
603 cls = [cls]
604 cls = np.asarray(cls)
606 # Pass array of contour inteverals to get areas
607 result = crossmatch(skymap, contours=cls / 100)
608 greedy_areas = np.asarray(result.contour_areas)
609 ra, dec, a, b, pa, ellipse_areas = find_ellipse(skymap, cl=cls)
610 a, b = np.asarray(a), np.asarray(b)
612 # Only use ellipse if every confidence interval passes
613 use_ellipse = \
614 np.all(ellipse_areas <= ratio_ellipse_cl_areas * greedy_areas)
615 return (use_ellipse, ra, dec, a[-1], b[-1], pa, ellipse_areas[-1],
616 greedy_areas[-1])
619def _update_raven_parameters(gracedb_id, kwargs, client):
620 """Update kwargs with parameters for RAVEN coincidence"""
622 event = client.superevent(gracedb_id).json()
624 if 'EM_COINC' not in event['labels']:
625 raise ValueError("No EM_COINC label for {}".format(gracedb_id))
627 preferred_event = event['preferred_event_data']
628 group = preferred_event['group']
629 gpstime = float(preferred_event['gpstime'])
630 event_time = astropy.time.Time(gpstime, format='gps').utc
632 em_event_id = event['em_type']
633 em_event = client.event(em_event_id).json()
634 em_event_gpstime = float(em_event['gpstime'])
635 external_pipeline = em_event['pipeline']
636 # Get all other pipelines, removing duplicates
637 other_ext_pipelines = \
638 [*set(client.event(id).json()['pipeline'] for id
639 in event['em_events'])]
640 # Remove preferred pipeline
641 other_ext_pipelines.remove(external_pipeline)
642 # FIXME in GraceDb: Even SNEWS triggers have an extra attribute GRB.
643 external_trigger_id = em_event['extra_attributes']['GRB']['trigger_id']
644 snews = (em_event['pipeline'] == 'SNEWS')
645 grb = (em_event['search'] in ['GRB', 'SubGRB', 'SubGRBTargeted', 'MDC']
646 and not snews)
647 subthreshold = em_event['search'] in ['SubGRB', 'SubGRBTargeted']
648 subthreshold_targeted = em_event['search'] == 'SubGRBTargeted'
649 far_grb = em_event['far']
651 o = urllib.parse.urlparse(client.service_url)
652 kwargs.update(
653 gracedb_service_url=urllib.parse.urlunsplit(
654 (o.scheme, o.netloc, '/superevents/', '', '')),
655 gracedb_id=gracedb_id,
656 group=group,
657 external_pipeline=external_pipeline,
658 external_trigger=external_trigger_id,
659 snews=snews,
660 grb=grb,
661 subthreshold=subthreshold,
662 subthreshold_targeted=subthreshold_targeted,
663 other_ext_pipelines=sorted(other_ext_pipelines),
664 far_grb=far_grb,
665 latency=abs(round(em_event_gpstime-gpstime, 1)),
666 beforeafter='before' if gpstime > em_event_gpstime else 'after')
668 if grb:
669 # Grab GRB coincidence FARs
670 time_coinc_far = event['time_coinc_far']
671 space_time_coinc_far = event['space_coinc_far']
672 kwargs.update(
673 time_coinc_far=time_coinc_far,
674 space_time_coinc_far=space_time_coinc_far,
675 ext_ra=em_event['extra_attributes']['GRB']['ra'],
676 ext_dec=em_event['extra_attributes']['GRB']['dec'],
677 ext_error=em_event['extra_attributes']['GRB']['error_radius'])
679 # Find combined sky maps for GRB
680 voevents = client.voevents(gracedb_id).json()['voevents']
681 combined_skymaps = {}
682 if not voevents:
683 raise ValueError(
684 "{} has no VOEvent to generate circulars from.".format(
685 gracedb_id))
686 for i, voevent in enumerate(voevents):
687 voevent_text = client.files(gracedb_id, voevent['filename']).read()
688 root = lxml.etree.fromstring(voevent_text)
689 alert_type = root.find(
690 './What/Param[@name="AlertType"]').attrib['value'].lower()
691 # Check if significant GW alert already queued or sent
692 change_significance_statement = \
693 {'EM_SelectedConfident', 'SIGNIF_LOCKED'}.isdisjoint(
694 event['labels'])
695 url = root.find('./What/Group/Param[@name="joint_skymap_fits"]')
696 if url is None:
697 continue
698 url = url.attrib['value']
699 _, filename = os.path.split(url)
700 issued_time = astropy.time.Time(
701 root.find('./Who/Date').text).gps
702 if filename not in combined_skymaps:
703 combined_skymaps[filename] = dict(
704 alert_type=alert_type,
705 filename=filename,
706 latency=issued_time-event_time.gps)
708 if combined_skymaps:
709 combined_skymaps = list(combined_skymaps.values())
710 combined_skymap = combined_skymaps[-1]['filename']
711 cls = [50, 90]
712 include_ellipse, ra, dec, a, b, pa, area, greedy_area = \
713 uncertainty_ellipse(gracedb_id, combined_skymap, client,
714 cls=cls)
715 kwargs.update(
716 combined_skymap=combined_skymap,
717 combined_skymaps=combined_skymaps,
718 cl=cls[-1],
719 combined_skymap_include_ellipse=include_ellipse,
720 combined_skymap_ra=coord.Longitude(ra*u.deg),
721 combined_skymap_dec=coord.Latitude(dec*u.deg),
722 combined_skymap_a=coord.Angle(a*u.deg),
723 combined_skymap_b=coord.Angle(b*u.deg),
724 combined_skymap_pa=coord.Angle(pa*u.deg),
725 combined_skymap_ellipse_area=area,
726 combined_skymap_greedy_area=greedy_area,
727 change_significance_statement=change_significance_statement)
729 return kwargs